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  • ccochran2008

What is a Termite Swarm?

Termite swarms are a natural phenomenon where winged termites, also known as alates, emerge from their colony to mate and establish new colonies. This usually occurs once a year during the spring or summer when conditions are optimal. If you notice termites swarming near your house, they may be attracted to lights. However, if the swarm seems to be emerging from the walls, it could indicate an infestation within your home.

Why Termites Swarm

Termites swarm to disperse and form new colonies. As a termite colony matures, it produces alate nymphs that will develop into swarmers with wings. These swarmers leave the nest to find mates and establish new colonies, ensuring the survival and expansion of their species.

Formosan Termites and Secondary Colonies

Formosan termites are known for their ability to form secondary or auxiliary colonies that do not require a connection to the soil. These colonies can have an auxiliary queen and are capable of reproducing once mature. This ability allows Formosan termites to infest structures above ground, making them particularly destructive.

What to Do If You Experience a Termite Swarm

If termites swarm inside your house, it’s a definite sign of a problem. Before contacting your termite control company, it may be wise to consult with a lawyer who specializes in termite damage claims. A legal expert can help you understand your rights and determine whether your home has ever been properly treated for termites.

Disclaimer: This blog post is for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. If you suspect termite damage or are dealing with termite fraud, contact a professional attorney at Cochran Bowers PC, who has successfully handled hundreds of termite fraud and termite damage lawsuits in Alabama and surrounding states.

Cochran Bowers PC

2 Riverchase Ridge, Suite 150

Birmingham, Alabama 35244



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